Travel insurance to Brunei Darussalam

Brunei Demographics
Language: Malay, English
Area: 5,765 sq. km
Capital City: Bandar Seri Begawan
Time ± GMT: +8 hours
Surrounding countries to Brunei
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Background Information
One of the smallest countries in the world, situated on the northern coast of Borneo between Sabah and Sarawak. Lying just north of the equator its climate is warm to hot year around with irregular heavy rain peaking from September to January.
Governed by a benevolent dictatorship which has taken the best from both its British Protectorate past and its inherent Muslim culture. The country is relaxed and efficient and, like its climate, predictable. In the words of a local taxi driver “Today will be like tomorrow which will be the same as yesterday".
Alcohol is not permitted in public areas including restaurants.

Brunei travel insurance
Brunei Geography
Brunei Climate
Brunei Attractions
Brunei Activities
Brunei History
Australian Consulate - Brunei Darussalam
Level 6, DAR Takaful IBB Utama
Jalan Pemancha
Bandar Seri Begawan BS8711
Brunei Darussalam
Telephone +673 222 9435
Fax +673 222 1652
Brunei travel guide
Please refer to the Australian Government website Smartraveller for general information about Brunei Darussalam from the Smartraveller website.Please read the PDS before considering travel insurance to Brunei Darussalam.
Useful Links
Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance Australia
International Travel Insurance
Worldwide Travel Insurance
Overseas Travel Insurance
Seniors Travel Insurance
Cruise Travel Insurance
Brunei Darussalam Travel Insurance
Cover is subject to the policy terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions set out in the current Combined Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Read the (PDS) prior to choosing travel insurance to Brunei Darussalam.