Travel insurance to Nauru
Nauru demographics
Language: | Nauruan; English |
Area: | 21 sq. km |
Capital City: | Nauru |
± GMT: | +12 hours |
Some background information about Nauru
Nearby countries of Nauru
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Australian high Commission – Nauru
Aiwo District
Republic of Nauru
Telephone +674 557 3380
Nauru travel guide
Please refer to the Australian Government website Smartraveller for general information about Nauru from the Smartraveller website. Please read the PDS before considering travel insurance to Nauru.
Useful Links
Worldwide Travel Insurance
Seniors Travel Insurance
Cruise Travel Insurance
Backpacker Travel Insurance
Business Travel Insurance
Holiday Insurance
Cancellation Cover Travel Insurance
Snow Travel Insurance
Nauru Travel Insurance
Cover is subject to the policy terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions set out in the current Combined Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Read the (PDS) prior to choosing travel insurance to Nauru.