Travel insurance to Brazil

Brazil demographics
Language: PortugueseLand Area: 8,514,877 sq kms
Capital City: Brazilia
Time Zone GMT: - 3 Hr
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Background information
Brazil put in perspective is larger in area than Australia. The Amazon basin is home to the most extensive and diverse range of flora and fauna on the planet.Besides the extensive jungle and wetlands, Brazil has a thriving cosmopolitan culture with Rio famous for everything that is alive. A culturally and ethnically diverse country, which has the highest degree of race mixing in the world.
Travel Insurance to Brazil
Please refer to the Australian Government website Smartraveller for general information about Brazil from the Smartraveller website. Please read the PDS before considering travel insurance to Brazil.
Australian Embassy / Consular representation Brazil
Australian Embassy, Brazil
SES Quadra 801
Conjunto K, Lote 7
Brasilia DF 70200-010
Brazil Telephone +55-61 3226 3111
Australian Embassy
Ses Quadra 801 Conjunto K,
Lote 7 Brasilia
DF 70200-010
Useful Links
Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance Australia
International Travel Insurance
Worldwide Travel Insurance
Overseas Travel Insurance
Seniors Travel Insurance
Cruise Travel Insurance
Brazil Travel Insurance
Cover is subject to the policy terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions set out in the current Combined Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Read the (PDS) prior to choosing travel insurance to Brazil.