Travel Insurance Saver

Travel insurance to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Map Bosnia Travel Insurance

Bosnia & Herzegovina demographics

Language:     Bosnian; Serbian; Croatian 
Area             51,129 sq. km
Capital City:  Sarajevo
GMT:           +1 hour

Surrounding Countries to Bosnia & Herzegovina

Croatia travel insurance
Montenegro travel insurance
Serbia travel insurance
Albania travel insurance

Background Information about Bosnia

Now at peace since December 1995 the infrastructure has largely been restored. 

A beautiful and old country where eastern and western civilizations met. Full of tradition and culture where the visitor is made to feel welcome. Marvel at the traditions of a past still practised.   

About Travel Insurance to Bosnia & Herzegovina 

Please refer to the Australian Government website Smartraveller for general information about Bosnia & Herzegovina from the Smartraveller website. Please read the PDS before considering travel insurance to Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Australian Embassy / Consular representation, Bosnia

Flag Bosnia Travel Insurance

Australia doesn't have an embassy or consulate in Bosnia matters are handled by: -

Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the UN

The Icon

Gertrude-Froehlich-Sandner-Str. 2
1100 Vienna

Ph: +43 1 506 740 

Useful Links

Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance Australia
International Travel Insurance
Worldwide Travel Insurance
Overseas Travel Insurance
Seniors Travel Insurance
Cruise Travel Insurance

Bosnia & Herzegovina Travel Insurance

Cover is subject to the policy terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions set out in the current Combined Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Read the (PDS) prior to choosing travel insurance to Bosnia & Herzegovina.