Climate in Peru
The climate of Peru varies significantly throughout the country. The Amazon Basin is hot and humid whereas the Janca region is cold and dry.
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Although Peru's seaboard is situated well within the tropical zone, it does not display an equatorial climate; average temperatures range from 21° C in January to 10° C in June at Lima, on the coast. At Cuzco, in the Sierra, the range is only from 12° C to 9° C, while at Iquitos, in the Amazon region, the temperature averages about 32° C all year round. The cold south–north Humboldt (or Peruvian) Current cools the ocean breezes, producing a sea mist with the inshore winds on the coastal plain. Only during the winter, from May to October, does this sea mist (garúa) condense into about 5 cm of rain.
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Latitude has less effect upon the climate of the sierra than altitude. The rainy season in the Andes extends from October to April, the reverse of the coastal climate. Temperatures vary more from day to night than seasonally. The snow line ranges from 4,700 to 5,800 m. In the eastern rainforest, precipitation is heavy, from 190 to 320 cm annually; rain falls almost continuously between October and April.
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A warm Pacific west-to-east current called El Niño appears near the Peruvian coast every four to ten years around Christmastime (the name is a reference to the Christ child), occasionally causing serious weather disturbances.
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Peru’s climate can be broken down into 8 different regions.
Chala- This is Peru’s costal region. The elevation here ranges from sea level to 497m. Temperatures here tend to be on the mild sub-tropical side, but the humidity can exceed 90%.
Yunga- The elevation here is between 497m and 2252m above sea level. Probably best known for its orchids, this region is the most endangered ecosystem in Peru.
Quechua- experiences a temperate climate. At elevations between 2252m to 3450m above sea level.
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Suni- Suni This region is typically cold and dry.
Janca- Over 6000m above sea level. This region shows the extreme cold that Peru climate can achieve.
Rupa-Rupa- The hot and humid jungle region of Peru. Lying between 390m and 900m above sea level
Omagua- This region of Peru lies in the Amazon rainforest with high humidity and heat.
Puna- With altitudes above 15,000 feet, in this region temperatures can drop well below freezing.
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