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    Medical Condition

    An existing medical condition is any medical condition which:

    At the time you buy your policy is:
    • chronic; or, 
    • displaying symptoms; or, 
    • under investigation; or, 
    • pending follow-up, consultation, treatment or surgery; or where these are recommended or planned; 
    • or metastatic; 
    • or terminal; or
    in the six months prior to the time you buy your policy there has been:
    • treatment by a medical practitioner; or 
    • medication prescribed; or 
    • surgery.

    Please refer to existing medical conditions that meet the criteria for automatic cover. 

    Do you want to complete a medical screening? 

    After entering your trip details (Age, Destination, Dates) to get a quote first. Please click on the "Continue" button to be redirected to nib to complete a medical screening. You will need to enter in details such as name & email, the medical screening will be on the following page. 

    Snow Sports

    If you are participating in Snow sports on your trip you need to add this option to be provided cover for snow sports related events. Snow Sports cover is only available on the International Comprehensive, Annual Multi trip and Australian Travel plans.

    By selecting this option, you’ll be charged an additional premium. You can uncheck this box if you do not wish to purchase this additional cover.

    Snow sports are defined as Snow skiing and snowboarding on and off piste, back country skiing and snowboarding, snowmobiling, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, telemark skiing. Click the link to find out more about Snow Sports travel insurance.

    $0 Excess

    By selecting this option, you’ll be charged an additional premium. You can uncheck this box if you don't want to reduce your excess. Different excess options are available when you "Get a Quote".

    Variable excess option. An excess is the amount that is deducted from your claim payout. A standard excess of $250 applies to most claims. By selecting this option, you can reduce your policy excess amount to $0 on some plans. An additional excess may apply to specific medical conditions. This excess cannot be removed.


    Cruising is covered as standard. If the cruise only stops in one country, just select that country. If the cruise stops at multiple destinations, add each destination. 

    • If you are travelling to 'New Caledonia', please also add in 'South Pacific Cruise' so cruise is displayed on your Certificate of Insurance. 
    • If the cruise only visits stops within Australia, make sure you select ‘Australian Waters’ option and NOT just Australia.

    If you get sick aboard a cruise while traveling under one of our international policies, we can offer overseas medical cover on board, including if you contract Coronavirus during the trip. Make sure you’re following all relevant government and official advice. All policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply, and you should be aware there are things we don’t cover, such as your cruise being cancelled by the provider due to an epidemic or pandemic.
    Click the link to find out more about travel insurance for cruising.

    Already Overseas

    If you are already overseas and need travel insurance due to your previous policy expiring, or need to be covered while overseas and for your return trip back to Australia you can purchase while overseas. The trip must end at your home in Australia. A 72 hour waiting period may apply for policies purchased when you are already travelling. See waiting periods in the PDS for more information. 

    Annual Multi Trip

    Annual Multi Trip Plan, trip(s) means any travel up to 45 days in duration between the departure date and return date shown on your Certificate of Insurance. Each trip must:
    • Start and end at your home in Australia, and 
    • Be to a destination of at least 200km from your home in Australia, and 
    • Include travel by either pre-paid scheduled public transport or hire car, or include at least one night of pre-booked publicly available accommodation
    Designed for people who are travelling internationally and may also be travelling domestically. 


    Your children, stepchildren, grandchildren, foster children, and children for whom you are the legal guardian, who are travelling with you on the same itinerary for the entire duration of your trip and at the time the Certificate of Insurance is issued are:
    • under 25 years of age, and
    • working less than 30 hours per week.

    Coronavirus Travel Costs

    This benefit covers you for specific events related to coronavirus, such as contracting the virus causing you to cancel the trip or causing your quarantine; a healthcare worker's leave being cancelled; or you being denied boarding due to your suspected infection with coronavirus. Click the link to find out more about travel insurance for coronavirus.

    COVID-19 Medical

    Overseas Medical limit - $Unlimited^ (including COVID-19. Subject to policy terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions).
    ^Expenses for up to 12 months from the date an illness first appears or injury first occurs. Includes reasonable and necessary overseas medical expenses arising from sudden illness or serious injury (including COVID-19).

    One Way

    Policies are available for one-way travel overseas or to return back to Australia! Enter your departure and return dates which would be your active dates of insurance. Trip must start or end at your home in Australia. Click the link to find out more about one way travel insurance.

    Activities in Albania

    Archaeological sites

    Albania Travel Insurance A number of important archaeological discoveries have been made in Albania. The sites that are found in the North as well as in the South are of great to those interested in ancient history as well the merely curious.
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    Ancient Durres

    The city of Durres dates to the 7th century B.C. The modern city is built on top of the ruins of ancient Epidamnos or Dyrrachion, the latter transformed into Dyrrachium during the Roman period. During the 3rd century B.C. the relations of the city with the Illyrians was prospering, while Illyrian names account about 30% of all names engraved in grave stones found during excavations in and around the city.

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    One of the most interesting finds from the city is the "Bukuroshja e Durrësit” the beauty of Durres mosaic, situated at the National Historic Museum in Tirana. The mosaic belongs to the 4th century B.C., and it is definitely one of the most beautiful of its kind in Albania. In the 9th century A.D. the Theme of Dyrachium was created, one of the two themes in the western Balkans. In 1071 and 1081 the Normans attacked the city. From 1204 the city came under the Venetians and in 1501 the Ottomans managed to take it.

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    Fortification of Gorica

    Located on the junction of the Osum River and its branch Velabisht, while serving a two-fold function. From one part the fortification encloses totally the Osum valley, having in front of it Berati Castle from the other side it controls the Velebisht river. From the north, the castle is defended by natural rock, whilst from the other side it is possible to clearly spot the fortification wall, that can be followed in its entire length. 

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    This fortification wall dates to the 4-3 century B.C. There are indications that archaeological remains found earlier on the site, date to the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age, indicating that the site dates earlier to the 3 century B.C. The interruption of life in Gorica is strongly connected with Roman occupation in the 2nd century B.C. 

    The fortified hill of Peshtan  

    Archaeologists, based on the construction techniques and surface finds date this citadel to the 4th century B.C. To this period also belong large quantities of pottery fragments found on the southern side of the hill.


    Mbjeshova Castle is situated near the village of Mbjeshova, it covers a surface of about 1.5 - 2 ha. The surrounding wall is well maintained along the length of the hill. The fortification is double, formed by an inner wall serving at the same time as a staging ground for soldiers and a lookouts. At the east side are situated three towers and an entrance, the castle dates to the 4th and 5th centuries AD. This castle is considered as one of the best maintained archaeological centres of the area.  

    The fortress of Vokopola

    The castle of Vokopola known as Ali Pashë Tepelena's castle, is located on a hill 765m above sea level. at northern-west part of Vokopola village near the city of Berat. 

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    Early Christian Bazilica of Shën Mëhill in Arapaj

    Situated on the Shën Mëhill (Saint Michael) hill, 6 km from the city of Durrës, discovered in 1974 the remains of an Early Christian church. This church is known as Shën Mëhilli church.
    The mosaic inside the basilica, covers a surface of about 54 m, and is well maintained. The numismatic material that has been found at the Arapaj Basilica is also rich and dates from the 5-th century A.D until the 13th-14th centuries A.D., thus showing that the basilica was in use for about 10 centuries.

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    The Monumental Tombs of Selca e Poshtëme

    These 2,400-year-old tombs are located 40 km from Pogradec. Selca was a town of the Illyrain tribe of Desartes founded in the sixth century B.C. It is thought that ancient Pelion, residence of Illyrian king Klit was here. This archaeological site is located 1,040 meters above sea level. Five monumental tombs in Ionic style have been excavated there. Four of them have been carved into tunnels. They are very rare in the Balkan Peninsula but can often be found in Southern Italy. A great number of personal possessions in gold and filigree have been found there. 

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    Albanopolis ( Zgërdhesh)

    The ancient town is located to the right of the Fushë Kruja to Kruja road by Halil village. 

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    The city was built on a hill of a 10-hectare area. The ancient city flourished for three or four centuries but then was abandoned during the second century A.D. 

    Nikaia (Klos)

    The ancient city of Klos (Nikaia) it is situated in the proximity of Byllis, covering an area of ca.18 ha. There is a single entrance to the city and three defensive towers. Among the most important monuments are the small theatre, a stoa, and the traces of a stadium. The theatre had a capacity of ca. 800-1000 spectators and has also preserved 14 citizenship-granting inscriptions, dating to the 3rd century B.C. life in Nikaia ended abruptly in 167 B.C., when the army of Paulus Aemilus ravaged Epirus and parts of Southern Illyria. 

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    Sofratika Theatre

    Located in Drino valley in Gjirokastra region is a village bearing the same name, this is Roman Adrianopolis of the second century A.D.A theatre was excavated in 1984 and has a capacity of 4,000 seats in 27 steps.


    The first excavations began at the site in 1963 and since then a 30m long Stoa has been unearthed. The monument clearly resembles the Stoa of Apollonia, indicating the strong links between these two cities. 

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    Situated near the modern town of Cakran, the site of Gurëzeza, dominates the plain of Vjosa with a view that extends to the Karaburun peninsula and the island of Sazan in the bay of Vlora. The partially preserved walls cover an area of over 15 ha. 

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    Aulon (Vlora)

    The castle seems to have been built in the 4th century A.D. to withstand gothic invasions, while other finds bring the earliest date of occupation in the area to the 5th-4th centuries B.C.

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    Excavations near the cape of Treport have revealed traces of an ancient settlement dating from the 7th century B.C. Over the centuries the settlement extended, and a new wall was built around it in the 4th century B.C.

    Onchesmos (Saranda)

    It is sometime in the 6th century A.D. that the town changes name to Hagia Saranda or Forty Saints, but it is unclear under what circumstances this happened. This may be related to the construction of a great basilica on a hill overlooking the modern city of Saranda. Various monuments and archaeological finds from the city have come to light during many years of research, such as the synagogue/basilica, a portion of a Roman Imperial archway, a late antique house, an apsidal building, an Odeon, a cemetery, and a building with an elaborate mosaic, the so-called Dolphin pavement.

    Fortified settlement of Gradishta e Belshit 

    The settlement of Gradishta e Belshit is located near the Belsh village on the west side of Devolli river. The main phases of identification at this settlement are dated from the Late Bronze Age period until the Late Antique period, including the refortification of the settlement. Inside the necropolis of the city materials date from the 4th-1st centuries B.C. and 4th-6th centuries A.D.   

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    The Persqop fortress

    The Persqop fortress is situated near the Petrela Castle, on the Vila Mountain. The first phase of construction dates in the Illyrian period while during the Roman period the fortification was extended further. 

    The fortification of Rosuja

    The fortification of Rosuja is situated 6km to the southwest of Bajram Curri, near the Binjaj village. From the excavations it has been revealed that this site has been inhabited from the Early Iron Age until the 5th century A.D.

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    Inside the fortified area, buildings of the Roman and Late Roman period have been found. 

    The cave settlement of Rrëza e Kanalit

    The cave with a view over the bay of Vlora was first discovered in 1939.Eneolithic stone tools, pottery and animal bones indicate the use of the cave in early times, but also in later Medieval periods.

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    The tumuli burials of Shtoj

    The plain of Shtoj is situated about 5 km to the northeast of the city of Shkodra,between the villages of Boks, Drago and the Bridge of Mesi, on the western side of the Kir river and dates from the Early Bronze Age until the Late Iron Age.

    The fortified settlement of Karos near Qeparo

    The fortified settlement of Karos is situated 490m above sea level, along the Qeparo river. The hill side of the Qeparo village is about 1 km long and continues toward the western slope. The material collected from the archaeological excavations give a wide date range starting from the Early Iron Age to the 4th century A.D.

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    The Kratul fortification

    The Kratul fortification is situated on the homonymous hill, 143 m above the sea level, 6 km to the northeast of Shkodra and 600 m distant from the Bridge of Mesi. The archaeological material indicates that life at the settlement was active from the Early Iron Age until the 1st century A.D.

    Music and Dance

    Albania has a rich musical tradition and especially folklore. This is to be expected as the whole Balkan region is well known for its impressive musical heritage. The interpretation of Albanian folklore music varies a great deal from polyphony (songs without instruments) to flute or bagpipe polyphony to other kinds of songs and instruments.

    Albania also has a rich tradition of dances with a great variety of choreography and costumes mainly depending on the origin. There are epic as well as lyrical dances. Particularly famous for their elegance, rhythm and drama are the dances of Rugova, Tropoja, Devoll, Lunxhëria, the couples’ dance of Rrajca, lab dances and the çam dance of Osman Taga. 

    Cultural Activities

    National Festival of Folklore

    This is the most important event on folklore in Albania. It is organized in Gjirokastra Castle every four years. All Albanian folklore groups participate together with Albanian groups from Kosova, Montenegro, Macedonia the arbresh of Italy, Turkey, the United States, Greece and other countries. Folklore groups from other countries as well as international guests participate.

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    Before choosing a policy, please be aware that terms and conditions, exclusions, limits and/or sub-limits will apply to most sections. It is important to read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any purchase to ensure the cover provided matches your specific requirements.