Climate in Denmark
Denmark has a mild temperate climate, influenced mainly by the westerly winds and its proximity to the seas that surround it. The average temperature in February, the coldest month, is 0° C, and in July, the warmest, 17° C.
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Travel Insurance Saver offer travel insurance for one-way trips. Obtain a quote online now.
Rain is evenly distributed throughout the year, the annual average amounting to approximately 61 cm.
Travel insurance for all ages.
Travel insurance for seniors online, travel insurance with no age limits available.
Denmark's northern location in Europe, means that the length of the day with sunlight varies greatly. There are short days during the winter with sunrise coming around 8 am and sunset 3:30 pm, as well as beautifully long summer days with sunrise at 3:30 am and late sunsets at 10 pm.
travel insurance for backpackers?
Australian backpackers going overseas can compare online travel insurance quotes from Travel Insurance Saver.
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