Travel Insurance Saver
Single Trip Annual Multi Trip
    Traveller 1
    Traveller 2
    Child 1

    Medical Condition

    An existing medical condition is any medical condition which:

    At the time you buy your policy is:
    • chronic; or, 
    • displaying symptoms; or, 
    • under investigation; or, 
    • pending follow-up, consultation, treatment or surgery; or where these are recommended or planned; 
    • or metastatic; 
    • or terminal; or
    in the six months prior to the time you buy your policy there has been:
    • treatment by a medical practitioner; or 
    • medication prescribed; or 
    • surgery.

    Please refer to existing medical conditions that meet the criteria for automatic cover. 

    Do you want to complete a medical screening? 

    After entering your trip details (Age, Destination, Dates) to get a quote first. Please click on the "Continue" button to be redirected to nib to complete a medical screening. You will need to enter in details such as name & email, the medical screening will be on the following page. 

    Snow Sports

    If you are participating in Snow sports on your trip you need to add this option to be provided cover for snow sports related events. Snow Sports cover is only available on the International Comprehensive, Annual Multi trip and Australian Travel plans.

    By selecting this option, you’ll be charged an additional premium. You can uncheck this box if you do not wish to purchase this additional cover.

    Snow sports are defined as Snow skiing and snowboarding on and off piste, back country skiing and snowboarding, snowmobiling, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, telemark skiing. Click the link to find out more about Snow Sports travel insurance.

    $0 Excess

    By selecting this option, you’ll be charged an additional premium. You can uncheck this box if you don't want to reduce your excess. Different excess options are available when you "Get a Quote".

    Variable excess option. An excess is the amount that is deducted from your claim payout. A standard excess of $250 applies to most claims. By selecting this option, you can reduce your policy excess amount to $0 on some plans. An additional excess may apply to specific medical conditions. This excess cannot be removed.


    Cruising is covered as standard. If the cruise only stops in one country, just select that country. If the cruise stops at multiple destinations, add each destination. 

    • If you are travelling to 'New Caledonia', please also add in 'South Pacific Cruise' so cruise is displayed on your Certificate of Insurance. 
    • If the cruise only visits stops within Australia, make sure you select ‘Australian Waters’ option and NOT just Australia.

    If you get sick aboard a cruise while traveling under one of our international policies, we can offer overseas medical cover on board, including if you contract Coronavirus during the trip. Make sure you’re following all relevant government and official advice. All policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply, and you should be aware there are things we don’t cover, such as your cruise being cancelled by the provider due to an epidemic or pandemic.
    Click the link to find out more about travel insurance for cruising.

    Already Overseas

    If you are already overseas and need travel insurance due to your previous policy expiring, or need to be covered while overseas and for your return trip back to Australia you can purchase while overseas. The trip must end at your home in Australia. A 72 hour waiting period may apply for policies purchased when you are already travelling. See waiting periods in the PDS for more information. 

    Annual Multi Trip

    Annual Multi Trip Plan, trip(s) means any travel up to 45 days in duration between the departure date and return date shown on your Certificate of Insurance. Each trip must:
    • Start and end at your home in Australia, and 
    • Be to a destination of at least 200km from your home in Australia, and 
    • Include travel by either pre-paid scheduled public transport or hire car, or include at least one night of pre-booked publicly available accommodation
    Designed for people who are travelling internationally and may also be travelling domestically. 


    Your children, stepchildren, grandchildren, foster children, and children for whom you are the legal guardian, who are travelling with you on the same itinerary for the entire duration of your trip and at the time the Certificate of Insurance is issued are:
    • under 25 years of age, and
    • working less than 30 hours per week.

    Coronavirus Travel Costs

    This benefit covers you for specific events related to coronavirus, such as contracting the virus causing you to cancel the trip or causing your quarantine; a healthcare worker's leave being cancelled; or you being denied boarding due to your suspected infection with coronavirus. Click the link to find out more about travel insurance for coronavirus.

    COVID-19 Medical

    Overseas Medical limit - $Unlimited^ (including COVID-19. Subject to policy terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions).
    ^Expenses for up to 12 months from the date an illness first appears or injury first occurs. Includes reasonable and necessary overseas medical expenses arising from sudden illness or serious injury (including COVID-19).

    One Way

    Policies are available for one-way travel overseas or to return back to Australia! Enter your departure and return dates which would be your active dates of insurance. Trip must start or end at your home in Australia. Click the link to find out more about one way travel insurance.

    History in Switzerland

    By the Neolithic period, the area now called Switzerland was quite densely populated. Remains of Bronze Age pile dwellings from as early as 3800 BC. 

    Off Piste sking& snowboarding is available from Travel Insurance Saver. Get an online quote now and consider our snow sports cover options.

    In 58 BC, the Helvetii tried to evade migratory pressure from Germanic tribes by moving into Gaul but were defeated at Bibracte by Julius Caesar’s armies and then sent back. The alpine region became integrated into the Roman Empire and was extensively Romanised in the following centuries. 

    Online travel insurance with cruise cover. Cruise cover available for Australian waters and international cruises from Travel Insurance Saver.

    After the collapse of Roman rule, Germanic tribes entered the area. Burgundians settled in the west; while in the north, Alamanni settlers slowly forced the earlier Celto-Roman population to retreat into the mountains. Burgundy became a part of the kingdom of the Franks in 534.

    Over 60, 70, 80, 90? Get a travel insurance for seniors or contact us.

    The Treaty of Verdun of 843 assigned Upper Burgundy (the western part of what is today Switzerland) to Lotharingia, and Alemannia (the eastern part) to the eastern kingdom of Louis the German which would become part of the Holy Roman Empire. 

    Overseas more than once? Consider the Annual multi-trip plan if you are a frequent traveller.

    In the 10th century, as the rule of the Carolingians waned, Saracenes ravaged the Valais, and Magyars destroyed Basel in 917 and St. Gallen in 926. Only after the victory of king Otto I over the Magyars in 955 in the Battle of Lechfeld, were the Swiss territories reintegrated into the empire.

    The demise of Kyburg rule saw control going to the Habsburg dynasty who bought much of the territory south of the Rhine under their control. 

    Planning a holiday with your family? Get a travel insurance quote from Travel Insurance Saver

    The Swiss victory in a war against the Swabian League in 1499 amounted to independence from the Holy Roman Empire. 

    Planning a ski holiday & need travel insurance for Skiing and Snowboarding?

    In 1506, Pope Julius II engaged the Swiss Guard that continues to serve the papacy to the present day. 

    The French Revolutionary Wars saw Switzerland completely overrun in 1798 by the French and became the united Helvetic Republic, effectively abolishing the cantons. 

    In 1803 Napoleon’s Act of Mediation partially restored the sovereignty of the cantons, and the former tributary and allied territories of Aargau, Thurgau, Grisons, St. Gallen, Vaud, and Ticino became cantons with equal rights. 

    Pregnant and need travel insurance for an overseas holiday. Compare quotes from Travel Insurance Saver.

    The Congress of Vienna of 1815 fully re-established Swiss independence and the European powers agreed to permanently recognise Swiss neutrality. 

    Switzerland adopted a federal constitution in 1848, from then, and over much of the 20th century, continuous political, economic, and social improvement has characterized Swiss history.

    Quick and Easy Travel Insurance. Get a travel insurance quote today.

    The major powers respected Switzerland’s neutrality during World War I, and during World War II Switzerland was never attacked. 

    In the 1990s, controversy over a class-action lawsuit brought in Brooklyn, New York over Jewish assets in Holocaust-era bank accounts prompted the Swiss government to commission the most recent and authoritative study of Switzerland’s interaction with the Nazi regime.

    Australian senior and need cover for overseasInternational travel insurance for seniors available online.

    Switzerland’s role in many United Nations and international organizations, helped to mitigate the country’s concern for neutrality. In 2002, Switzerland was officially ratified as a member of the United Nations. 

    Back to Switzerland Travel Insurance page.

    Before choosing a policy, please be aware that terms and conditions, exclusions, limits and/or sub-limits will apply to most sections. It is important to read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any purchase to ensure the cover provided matches your specific requirements.